Tuesday, June 3, 2014


May 30th:

Our last full day together. We slept in comfortably from the previous day of travels, blogging and just enjoing each other's company. Since I had no shorts left, I rolled up my pants to combat the heat. Check out the super hipster outfit I conjured up.
Rockin' it or rockin' it?
We ended up walking around Shinsaibashi and Dottonbori one more time and wound up eating McDonald's for lunch. The first McDonald's I've eaten in a loooooong time... Afterwards we started heading up towards the dorm for a big dinner party I had planned out with my friends. But not before I got on this big screen at Dottonbori:

Yup.. I'm a horse jockey. With a giant head.. The ad is for a horse race, the Japan Derby. 
Anyhow, here are pics from the dorm dinner party.

Cutting tons of veggies and preparing batter.

Focused on the Takayaki.

All the food prepared.

Before we headed to karaoke, it was time to have some fun.

A bunch of my hallmates from Germany, US, Korea, Netherlands, Finland, India, Ireland, and Taiwan. And that's not even half the nationalities in this dorm. Such a great group of individuals.
Even though Maika knocked out pretty early and slept through most of the songs, we all had a great time singing until sunrise. About an hour before we headed out, I went outside for some fresh air and took this shot.
What? You were expecting something nicer? It was 4 AM at a random station in northern Osaka. 
Anyhow. The train ride felt like it took forever. I was dead tired, but it was my first time seeing the 5 AM work commuters and the overnight shifters. I must be a struggle to do that everyday. We made it back to the hotel around 6:30 AM, where I knocked out while Maika prepared for Taipei. I awoke at 9:50 AM to walk Maika out to the airport shuttle. I was so tired, seeing her off is a bit of a blur in my memory. I just remember waking up at 4 PM in the hotel feeling very lonely. Japan can be tough for foreigners because we make up a measly 1.5% of the population, while Japanese citizens make up the other 98.5% (I'm quoting Wikipedia here, but it seems correct based on experience). Point is, I miss home and I missed it especially hard when the only slice of home I had for a week disappeared again. Time flies however. And I know the minute I step on the airplane back to California, I will miss Japan. So chin up, back to intensive research and adventure-filled weekends. And all my love to Maika for a such an incredible week. 

May 31st-June 4th:

I spent the weekend catching up on sleep, cleaning and getting some exercise. I also got a chance to video chat my oldest brother Mario, who won his first AA beach volleyball tournament. He is officially ranked AAA, and able to play in professional level tournaments. Congrats!!! Ich bin stolz Märu! Anyways, we were wearing the same tank top, which was just too funny so I got a screenshot. 

On Monday I put the final mark on my first lab experiment here. For the past two days, I have been reading articles on various carbon nanotube dispersion methods to prepare a procedure for the next experiment. Occasionally, I took a break to catch up on my blog, which I have now officially accomplished for the first in like a month and a half! Woohoo!

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